I'm Gina. I said that already.
What else, what else...
God, I hate writing about myself. Don't you? I love sharing stories and anecdotes that I think others might find helpful. I'm generally pretty transparent, but perhaps that's the problem. How does one sum oneself up in a few paragraphs?!
Wait, can I even fill paragraphs? I'm not that interesting! How much do you even want to know about me? How much do you need to know about me? I mean, who cares about me? Isn't this about you?
​​Yes, that's it. Let's get back to you.
What is it about me that is most relevant to you?
Am I someone you might want to work with?
Am I someone you can trust?
Am I someone that gets it?
Most importantly, am I someone that can help you?
These are big questions that can't fully be answered without actually testing things out, but let's give it a go.
Am I someone you might want to work with?
How do you know? Well, to start, you can get a general sense of me through what I share here and on social media. I do not use AI or copywriters, so what you see is completely from me. These can at least give you a glimpse of my personality, general vibe, approach, philosophies. Can this be a full picture of anyone? Of course not. I could be fighting kittens in my basement. I'm not, but I could be. I would never. But how can you know? I don't have a basement. ...or do I?
You're also welcome to book a session and give it a test drive. This is really the best way to see if we're a good match for working together. I'll answer any questions and address any concerns you may have, and we can go from there.
You still may never know for sure about the basement.
Am I someone you can trust?
If you have any sense that you can't, please don't. This is a tough one, because it's something that is typically earned over time. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't have it in me to knowingly mislead anyone. (Mom did a great job on the guilt trips.) But again, you don't know me, so here's what I can offer in the way of reassurance:
1) Trust is pretty well baked into the coaching cake. It's a reputation-driven business. I literally only succeed if I can help you. It's the best way to be selfish really. The more I can help you, the more "yous" I can help, the better we all are.
2) While I'm certain there are coaches that are not ethical, I'm not sure how they do it. As a client, I only pay for something when I understand what's being offered, and if there is any risk involved (usually not), I'm deciding of my own accord to take it. Every coach I've worked with has offered a particular service, course or program. That's what I paid for, and that's what I got. So best I can say here is, if it's not transparent what it is and isn't, if unpromisable results are being promised, be skeptical. Always listen to yourself if something doesn't feel right.
Am I someone that gets it?
I really do get this question. It was a very important one for me, until it wasn't, and now I'm a bit torn. I had always felt I needed a coach somewhat like me in terms of their perspective and types of struggles they had overcome themselves. Then I met my best coach thus far, and she was not only not like me, but a type of person I specifically disidentified with. It didn't matter, because she's a highly skilled, attuned coach that knows how to leave herself out of it insofar as it may or may not benefit her client.
All that said, I do tend to share a lot of myself with my clients. Relating to someone in a specific and personal way can be very powerful and offer a special of kind connection. It's another big question that is better answered with a little time, but here's what I can say for now. I'm here because of all the things I get. It's what my life experience has gotten me and, coincidentally, what got me to coaching.
I get what it's like to feel not in control of your own self, your own life.
I get what it's like to struggle with things you think aren't supposed to be hard, things that seem to come naturally to other people.
I get losing the will to try, much less try harder.
...to feel like nothing works for you.
...to feel less than.
...to feel different in some unidentifiable way that you don't even know how to address.
...to feel like the change you want is for other people, not you.
I get what it's like to constantly question and second-guess yourself.
...to feel lost, desperate, defeated, confused, overwhelmed, tired of starting over, tired of hope.
I get what it's like to feel like there's so much more for you, so much you're "supposed" to be doing, that you could be doing, or "should" be doing, but it's like all of that is on the other side of some impenetrable glass or force field. You can see it, clearly enough to feel tortured by it, but you can't connect.
And now, thankfully, I get that change really is possible, for me, and for you, for any of us that can believe in it just enough to seek it. I get what it's like to be - not on the other side of that glass, that force - but to be moving through it, to realize it's not impenetrable after all. There is no true separation. It's all real, and here, and available, now.
I get what it's like to feel relief, and possibility, free of much of the heavy weight of shame and regret, not to feel "done," or "cured" or "perfect" (whatever that even means), but to experience what it's like to live on purpose, with purpose, and experience all of the same problems differently.
I get what it's like to feel more like that person I really believed I could be, was afraid I wouldn't be, but desperately wanted to be, and for things to just feel...different...in a good way.
I get that I get to decide what all of this means for me and what to do with it.
And this is what I'm here to help you get. We don't need to be, or want, or get all the same things. My goals are not your goals, and your goals are not my goals. But my job, as I make it, is to get what your goals are, why they are, who you are, and how you best can move forward on your right path.
​I've got you.​
Most importantly, am I someone that can help you? ​​​
Yes, or no.
Here's how you know.
Whatever change you are seeking, are you willing to keep living without it?
If yes, I can't help you.
If no, move on to the next question.
Are you willing to question things you've always believed to be true about yourself and the world?
Are you willing to try things that may not work, and then try something else until you find what does?
Are you willing to get curious, stay curious, be frustrated, and keep going?
Are you willing to have open and honest conversations with someone that only wants the absolute best for you and sees the best in you?
Then I can help you.
All of the above is all we are going to do. We're going to ask questions, look for answers, and we're going to find them. It may not be easy, but it really is that simple.